
How to make kvass: TOP 3 refreshing recipes in the heat

How to make kvass: TOP 3 refreshing recipes in the heat

Read how to make kvass from bread and apples at home

Two unusual recipes for okroshka: on kefir and on kvass with herring

Two unusual recipes for okroshka: on kefir and on kvass with herring

How to prepare a delicious and refreshing dish in the summer heat

Taste of Babushka's summer: AB InBev Efes Ukraine launches kvass "Selo and people" with the taste of currant and mint

Taste of Babushka's summer: AB InBev Efes Ukraine launches kvass "Selo and people" with the taste of currant and mint

The sourness of black currant and the refreshing coolness of mint will give you pleasure in the heat

Birch kvass: an actual spring recipe

Birch kvass: an actual spring recipe

How to make kvass from natural birch juice