Wrote a constitution for his state, saw the signs: Morgenstern* spoke about a deal with the Devil and bipolar disorder

Morgenstern, 26,* streamed from a rehabilitation center in Israel, where he is currently undergoing treatment. While talking to fans, the rapper spoke in detail about how he ended up there.
According to the musician, for a long time he did not understand that something was wrong with him, and was sure that he could drink all his life, because he was “immortal”, but in the end he began to observe sharp mood swings: “I’m a god, a very self-confident person, then I’m a complete nonentity, a real loser.” As a result, doctors diagnosed the artist with bipolar disorder, and the use of alcohol and illegal substances only worsened his mental problems.
"I realized that I am God. Then I realized that no, this is too much, I am the son of God, I am the devil incarnate and sent here from above to carry out a great mission to save this world. As they say, when you communicate with God, it is good, but when he answers you, it is already a clinic," Morgenstern* said.
He admitted that during his manic phase he was overcome by delusional ideas. For example, he thought that the whole world was a simulation and that he was constantly being watched. He even began hiding his phone under his pillow for safety and saw signs everywhere.
He also developed delusions of grandeur. The rapper rehearsed a speech on saving the world, fully confident that he would deliver it to presidents of different countries. And his most important project was to build his own state, where he could become king. Morgenstern called himself by the names of great kings, wrote his own constitution and hired people to help, spending about two million dollars on everything.
However, after episodes of increased activity, the artist would become depressed. He could spend months lying in a curtained room: “I looked in the mirror and wanted to rip the skin off my face. It seemed to me that I was not worthy of living, that I was worthless.”
The rapper's fans asked if it was true that he had made a deal with the devil, and Morgenstern* replied: "That's a very interesting question. For some reason, there are a lot of discussions about it on the Internet. I'll tell you this, I had such a moment... If, of course, this is not a false memory. In my youth, when I was 15-16, I actually asked the devil for popularity. That happened. And then you decide for yourself whether to believe it or not. Judging by how I'm paying for it now, maybe so."
The musician commented on the news about the seizure of his property with humor: he said that he would write letters and send parcels. The most important thing for the rapper now is his health. Morgenstern* said that his goal for 2025 is to be sober.
Earlier, Morgenstern* was put on the wanted list. A criminal case was opened against the rapper for violating the procedure for the activities of a foreign agent, for which he faces up to two years in prison.