Mia Boyka asked the parents of the quad biker girl she insulted to withdraw the police report

Singer Mia Boyka, who publicly condemned the eight-year-old quad biker girl, asked her parents to withdraw their statement from the police, the Shot Telegram channel reported.
According to the channel, after it became known that the parents had contacted the police with a demand to hold the singer accountable for publicly insulting their daughter Maryana, Mia Boyka's assistant contacted the family. He said that the singer wanted to reconcile with the family and asked her to withdraw her statement from the police. He also invited Maryana and her mother to Moscow on behalf of Mia Boyka to show them "the backstage of great artists."
As noted in the channel, Maryana's mother does not agree to such conditions, since the girl already has her own fan club, the members of which demand a public apology from the singer. Maryana's mother also complained that her daughter has begun to be bullied at school.
Let us recall that the scandal erupted after Mia Boyka invited one of the girls on stage at a concert in Nadym and asked about her hobbies, and when eight-year-old Maryana, who had a cat mask on her face, answered that she was into quad-banging, the singer asked why she needed it, since she was a "beautiful girl."
The girl was clearly upset by this treatment, she almost cried. The video with this fragment was widely distributed on the Internet and caused a public outcry. Many people in the comments expressed their support for Maryana, and Yegor Creed recorded a video on TikTok, where he stated that he is against any public condemnation, especially when it concerns children with fragile psyches. Also, the head of the League for Safe Internet Ekaterina Mizulina stood up for the girl, calling it "a pathetic attempt to assert herself at the expense of a child."
Mia Boyka herself, apparently, was not going to apologize initially: first she wrote in a Telegram channel that quad bike kids and their parents should "bite", and then she posted a video in which she began to ridicule fashion trends: she said that she came up with a new trend "hobbystoneing" - a trend in which you have to pretend to be stones. After the scandal, the singer began to be actively cancelled on social networks.