France is conducting another investigation against Pavel Durov - for "serious violence" against his son
Another case of child abuse has been opened against Russian billionaire Pavel Durov, who is currently on trial in France for crimes committed on and with the help of the Telegram platform, AFP reports, quoting Kommersant.
We are talking about the youngest son of Pavel Durov and Irina Bolgar, who claims (and backs up her words with documents, but their authenticity is still in doubt) that she gave birth to three children from Durov and was in a romantic relationship with him for several years. On August 28 - the same day as the first hearing in the Telegram crimes case - it became known that Bolgar filed a lawsuit against Durov in a Swiss court back in 2023, accusing him of systematic physical abuse of her youngest son.
It is not specified why this case became known only now. However, a few hours after this information appeared, it became known that a similar case had been opened in France: as reported by the AFP agency, Durov is suspected of "serious violence." The victim is his seven-year-old son from Irina Bolgar, and the incident under investigation occurred during the boy's studies in Paris (he now lives and studies in Switzerland). The investigation is being conducted by the Juvenile Affairs Service, but in this case, unlike the "Telegram case," Durov has not yet been questioned.
On August 28, Durov was released from custody under judicial supervision. Bail was 5 million euros, and he is prohibited from leaving France. He is charged with six illegal episodes, including complicity in human trafficking, illegal transactions, drug trafficking, distribution of child pornography, and other crimes. All of this is being charged to him as the person responsible for content on the Telegram platform: one of the main charges is refusing to cooperate with the authorities and provide them with information about users and their actions on the platform.
The case of Pavel Durov, co-founder of VKontakte and Telegram and owner of a fortune of $9.15 billion, has become the number one topic in the Russian media: the situation is discussed in a variety of formats - from conspiracy theories to memes. At the same time, there is a discussion of the other side of Durov's life, which turned out to be completely different from what everyone thought: three children from Irina Bolgar, a hundred children thanks to sperm donation, a Hungarian erotic model who gave birth to a child from him, and a new lover-"cryptocoach" - the Internet continues to be surprised how such an ascetic (who allegedly prefers "not to fall in love") as Durov ended up having such a rich personal life.