Jodie Foster criticized for saying she was "annoyed" by generation Z

Jodie Foster has come under fire from the public after saying that she is annoyed by members of Generation Z (people born between about 1997 and 2012), especially when it comes to professional activities.
“They are incredibly annoying, especially in terms of work. They’re like: “No, I’m not in the right state today, I’ll come at 10:30.” Or when I ask them why they don’t check their emails for grammatical errors, they’re like, “Why would I do that? Doesn’t that limit me?,” Jodie told The Guardian.
At the same time, the actress believes that she can help young talents find themselves in the film industry: “They need to learn to relax, not think too much about it and look for something truly their own. I can help them with that because it’s a lot more fun than being the protagonist of the story with all the pressure that comes with it.”
Not everyone appreciated the statements of the Silence of the Lambs star. Many netizens noted that representatives of generation Z really know how to relax, which Jodie herself noted. “Oh, those boomers, complaining about how lazy everyone is. They can’t stand the idea that Generation Z has a more progressive view of work for which they don’t want to sacrifice themselves,” wrote one user of the social network X (formerly Twitter, blocked in the Russian Federation). He was joined by other indignant voices, although there were those who supported the actress, and those who even called the division of people into generations stupid, because in each era there lived people with very different values.