Happiness loves silence: What we know about the love story of Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Juliette Morgan
Happiness loves silence: What we know about the love story of Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Michael Fassbender has been a regular contributor to the Hotcakes section of Blogs for many years. It is understandable — fans of the red-haired handsome man with Irish roots have always been interested not only in the outstanding film works of the actor, but also in his statuesque figure, as well as cubes on the press. At the same time, Michael's heart (along with his powerful shoulders, a pile of muscles and those very cubes!) For many years, it has been owned by one and only one — the actress Alicia Vikander. In honor of the birthday of Fassbender, who turns 44 today, Musthub tells about the beautiful love story of Michael and Alicia, and also recalls how the personal life of the actors was formed before their fateful meeting.

Personal life of Michael and Alicia before they met

Michael Fassbender never really talked about his personal life in conversations with journalists, so fans learned about his lovers only thanks to the paparazzi who carefully watched the actor.

One of his first girls that the public learned about was the little-known actress Lizzie Andrews: Michael dated her from 2008 to 2009. About this beloved actor in the press initially went a variety of rumors, to the point that she only covers up the acting profession, and in fact is engaged in escort.

Lizzie Andrews and Michael Fassbender

Even more, the girl tarnished her reputation after parting with Fassbender. In 2010, she filed a lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend, accusing him of causing harm to her health: according to Lizzie, in a fit of drunken anger, Michael pulled her out of the car, injuring her ankle and even provoking a rupture of a cyst on her ovary. The girl demanded to call the actor to account, to forbid Michael to approach her, to release their former home, and also requested compensation for moral damage in the amount of 15 thousand dollars.

Lizzie Andrews and Michael Fassbender

This loud statement by Andrews did not affect Fassbender's acting career in any way. The court did not find the necessary evidence and closed the case, and Michael was fully rehabilitated in the eyes of the public.

Lizzie Andrews and Michael Fassbender

After completing the legal proceedings with his former lover, Fassbender plunged into a new novel. This time, the chosen actor was his colleague in the film "X-Men" Zoe Kravitz, who was 11 years younger than him. The passion between them broke out at the end of 2011 right on the set. After that, the paparazzi increasingly noticed the couple during romantic walks together. However, the beautiful story of the actor and the daughter of Lenny Kravitz lasted only six months. According to rumors, Zoe and Michael broke up due to the fact that he was not yet ready for a serious relationship. Fassbender himself attributed their breakup to the costs of the acting profession.

Michael Fassbender and Zoe Kravitz

Shortly after breaking up with Zoe, Michael had a brief affair with another X-Men co-star, January Jones. In 2011, she became pregnant, and many fans then assumed that it was from Fassbender. These rumors, by the way, have not been confirmed.

January Jones

In 2012, Michael Fassbender began a relationship with his partner in the erotic drama "Shame" Nicole Behari, with whom they were together for about two years. Next, the actor got into a series of short love affairs: in the star girlfriends at that time, Michael was credited with Rosario Dawson, Naomi Campbell, then a colleague in the film "12 Years a Slave" Lupita Nyong'o.

Michael Fassbender and Nicole Behari

Another of Fassbender's lovers before meeting Alicia Vikander was the Italian model and actress Madalina Genea. According to rumors, for the sake of Michael, she even left her other star boyfriend Gerard Butler. Their relationship with Michael began in early 2014 and lasted about 9 months-until the very moment when Fassbender met Vikander.

Madalina Genea

Alicia, unlike Michael, can not boast of such a large list of star boyfriends. The actress has always tried to protect her life from the attention of the press.

Alicia Vikander

The beginning of the novel

Michael and Alicia met shortly before the start of filming in the drama "Light in the Ocean", where they played a married couple who survived several miscarriages in a row. Fassbender and Vikander first met at the Toronto Film Festival. There they met at one of the private events in the competition, and Alicia won Michael over from the first... dance.

We met at a party right on the dance floor. Until that day, I thought I could move perfectly, but as soon as Alicia appeared, I felt as if both my legs were left!

Fassbender humorously recalled his first meeting with Vikander, who is 12 years younger than him, in an interview with Vanity Fair.

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender

Then, in Toronto, Michael and Alicia only noticed each other, and already really got close during the filming of the film "Light in the Ocean", which took place in Australia. The actor admitted that for the second time Vikander surprised him with her character and attitude to work: in the frame she showed herself very bright, fearless and incredibly emotional. In between the shooting days, Fassbender and Vikander had a very fun and exciting time, after which they immediately developed a liking.

We went to the mountains, fished, picnicked, and warmed ourselves on cold nights with strong whiskey. It was very simple, but great. We laughed a lot! Especially when in the film we both had to milk a goat. It took me a while to learn, and I kept trying to approach the goat from the front. The chemistry started between Alicia and me right away. A flame burst out-a flash! I'm glad it happened to me.,

- Michael told about the beginning of the affair with Alicia.

Майкл Фассбендер и Алисия Викандер в фильме "Свет в океане"

The couple immediately agreed that they would not make their romance public. In many ways, this decision was influenced by Alicia, who is inherently a more reserved and closed person than Michael. However, the sleepless journalists quickly found out that there is something more than a purely working relationship between the actors.


Interest in the romance of Alicia and Michael was also fueled by paparazzi photos that periodically appeared on the network, as well as comments from people from a close circle of stars that they are truly happy together. Occasionally, the lovers went out, but at public events they tried not to show tender feelings for each other, so as not to attract too much attention.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

In 2015, fans were shocked by the unexpected news about the separation of Fassbender and Vikander: the reason for their breakup was allegedly a strong employment. However, both quickly realized that they could not live without each other, and decided to give their relationship a second chance — from that very moment, Michael and Alicia never parted.

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassberner

In 2016, the couple gave an interview to Vanity Fair magazine, in which they spoke for the first time about their relationship. So, the winner of the Academy Award for best supporting actress shared what exactly her lover won her heart on the set of the film "Light in the Ocean":

He was so nice to me, asking me questions.: "Can you give me your comments? What do you think I should do?". It was such a beautiful way to get close to me.

Алисия Викандер и Майкл Фассбернер в фильме "Свет в океане"

After that, the lovers seemed to become even more closed in communication with journalists. In his interviews, Michael only noted that he was very glad that fate had once brought him together with Alicia, and did not want to share any details of their romance. Alicia, on the other hand, completely ignored questions about her star boyfriend, preferring to talk about her career and anything but her personal life.

Майкл Фассбендер и Алисия Викандер в фильме "Свет в океане"

Secret wedding

In September 2017, the first rumors appeared in the press about the upcoming wedding of Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender, which took place a month later. Despite the fact that the lovers wanted to keep the celebration in the strictest secrecy, the journalists still managed to find out some details of the holiday.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Michael and Alicia exchanged love vows on the island of Ibiza, while no photos from the wedding of the paparazzi could not be obtained. The couple managed to avoid the increased attention of journalists on this day thanks to a carefully thought-out plan.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Even the guests were not really told anything: they were just told when they should arrive in Ibiza. There they will be met and taken to the hotel where the celebration will take place. Michael's always been a money-raiser, so this is going to be the party of the year.,

- even before the celebration, insiders shared.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Pictures of the newlyweds on the Internet are also not found, because even before the holiday, they asked all their relatives and friends to give up using smartphones and any gadgets for one day. That is why the secret still remains, in a dress of what style and from which designer Alicia eventually went down the aisle.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

A few days after the wedding, the paparazzi noticed a happy, happy and tanned Alicia and Michael with wedding rings on their fingers at the airport in Ibiza. From there, the lovers went on their honeymoon in Italy. During this trip, the newlyweds were not so carefully encrypted: thanks to frequent photos of the couple with fans, it was possible to find out that during the honeymoon, Alicia and Michael managed to visit Bologna, Florence and Verona.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander with fans during their honeymoon

Family life

Before the wedding, Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender lived in the UK, but they also spent a lot of time in the US because of their work. With the change of family status, the couple's main place of residence also changed. They moved to the country they fell in love with at first sight — Portugal.

We fell in love with Portugal and now live in this country. Of course, we still have our "base" in the UK, but it is Lisbon that is gradually becoming our home. We like a lot of things here: the proximity of the ocean, the lifestyle of the locals, the weather, the wine, the food. I could never live in Los Angeles. It's just unreal. But I was also disappointed in the UK after it decided to leave the European Union. I don't like borders — I think it's unnatural,

Fassbender explained the reasons for his and his wife's move in an interview.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

At the same time, before the coronavirus pandemic, Alicia and Michael actively traveled around the world: they were caught in the lenses of reporters in Paris, then in Tokyo, then in London. After the wedding, by the way, the couple finally stopped hiding from the paparazzi endlessly and did not even hesitate to show tender feelings for each other in public.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

At the same time, in conversations with journalists, the couple was still reluctant to touch on the topic of their personal life. So, in 2018, in an interview with Vogue magazine, Vikander opened the veil of secrecy over their family life with Fassbender. The actress did not give any details, but still admitted that she is incredibly happy in her marriage:

I feel happier now than I've ever felt before. I mean my personal life.Fassbender also makes no secret of the fact that he and his wife have a very good and fun life together. The couple travels a lot, loves to meet friends and, in addition to dancing, has another common passion — he loves to sing karaoke.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

Soon to be added to the family

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender seem to be among the couples who didn't waste time in quarantine. Back in the middle of the summer of 2020, fans suspected that the couple would soon become parents. Then in the press there were pictures of lovers on vacation in Ibiza: it seemed to many that Alicia got a little better on the face — this fact fans associated with the possible pregnancy of the star.

In the autumn pictures of the couple taken by the paparazzi, fans only confirmed their suspicions about the imminent addition to the family of Vikander and Fassbender. In those photos, even loose clothing could not hide the noticeably rounded stomach of the 32-year-old actress.

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

At the end of January, another proof of Alicia's pregnancy appeared. We are talking about a photo of the star from the home archive that has spread on Twitter, where she poses in a knitted dress that fits her already rather large stomach — after this, fans have no doubts about the imminent birth of a small heir or heiress of a star couple.

According to rumors, the same picture of Vikander was leaked to the network by hackers. At the same time, several Italian publications clarified that the photo of the pregnant actress was taken in December or January, when she was in the last stages of pregnancy.

Alicia Vikander

Based on this information, many fans have concluded that in fact the child of Alicia and Michael has already been born, but the couple is still carefully hiding this fact from journalists. Whatever it was, no official confirmation of the news of the birth of the first child or even the pregnancy of Alicia from the star spouses has not yet been received. Therefore, fans can only get lost in guessing what is really happening in the life of a couple, the main principle of whose relationship is in the sacramental phrase-happiness loves silence.

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander

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